Thursday, December 11, 2008

And the Baby Is....

Roger and I really contemplated finding out the sex of baby #3. With both of the boys we waited until their births to find out what there were...but we are planning that this will be our last baby and so I wanted to find out. We discussed it back and forth even up until going into the sonogram room yesterday afternoon. I was very anxious...we watched as the sonographer showed the sweet head and face...then she looked at the hands and feet...and then she asked..."So, do you want to know?" I looked at Roger and he said yeah, so we both prepared as she took a look between the sweet little legs of our baby...and guess what????

We are so excited!! Now, I just can't WAIT to hold her. We would have been excited if she had been a boy but were praying that God would allow us the priviledge of raising a little girl along with our two boys! The boys are so excited to as they both said they wanted a baby sister. And so now, we have to decide on a name...don't have a clue but we have plenty of time. I hope when I get back to school to be able to scan the sonogram pictures so that you can see how sweet she is in her second pictures (see earlier blog for first pictures). Please pray that the remainder of the pregnancy will go smoothly and we can welcome this sweet blessing into our lives in April, 2009!!


Angela said...

Congratulations, Laura! I am so excited you are getting a sweet baby girl! I am having so much fun with all the girly things. I know you will too!

~neisha~ said...

It's GIRL season, for sure! I'm so, so happy for you Laura! Girls are sooo different, but sooo much fun (already) Yay! Congrats!!

Marilyn Bowen said...

AWESOME!!!! I am so proud for your daughter. What a precious mother she has!

Kelly Taylor said...

Hi Laura,
I found your blog through Susann's and thought I'd say hello and congrats on the baby girl!